وصف الكتاب:
Firmly believing that this is a legitimate question that is very important for building of a human civilization void from tyranny, Islam, on its part, made this question one of its essentials and even added to it another question of the same level of importance, that is, "Where did you spend your money?!" In fulfillment of the scholarly approach whose Islam accredited as a law to be applied upon all its followers, this book offered this big question to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself to know about his (PBUH) sources of earnings, ways of expenditure and investments after death!! We firmly believe that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was not to conceal any answer to these questions since he (PBUH) was fully aware of the fact that he who is destined to lead a nation should be characterized with a clean, financial biography that goes hand in hand with his sublime, noble life, especially if all evidence clearly indicate that he (PBUH) was not poor but he was rich and spent his money on the poor and needy