وصف الكتاب:
This work presents an edition and study of a new manuscript document, the Amālī in hadith (dictation sessions) of the prominent theologian and Sufi master ʿAbd al-Karīm al-Qushayrī (376-465/986- 1072). Discussing both the text and the history of its transmission between the 11th and the 13th centuries C.E., in a geographical area covering the regions of Khorasan and Great Syria, the authors contribute to the understanding of the connection between Sufism and hadith culture. One of the most contributing factors to the consolidation of Sufism’s role in Medieval Islamic societies was its connection with hadith culture, both in terms of its networks and methods of transmission. The sources currently available – and to a lesser extent the studies produced to date – all attest to the idea that Sufism formed, notwithstanding, a solid binomial with hadith. In this building process, and despite some severe criticism, Sufism emerged as an important agent. Nevertheless, if we want to gain a deeper understanding of this relationship, the edition of new sources remains a pressing desideratum. Accordingly, the present work provides the scholarly community with a new document that may prove to be a significant contribution to the field.